Color me speechless

So we’ve had an interesting development over at casa di Ledemeon. And I say interesting but I mean startling. And of course, this will only be startling to me, because no one was aware how firmly entrenched my husband was in his “no, no more kids” position just a few short months ago.

That stance softened around Christmastime or so to “no more kids RIGHT NOW.”

Who would have thought that all it took was a low-cut blouse, a slab of steak and half a bottle of Valpolicella to have him saying things like “Go off the pill whenever you want.”? While I know he didn’t MEAN that, it was most likely the wine and the microbrews talking, it is very encouraging.

But it also puts me in a bit of a pickle. Because now I have to decide for REAL when is a good time to get pregnant again. I know that sounds ridiculous, particularly to people who have difficulty conceiving. And who knows, I’m not in my twenties anymore. Maybe I will not get pregnant when Dave looks at me from across the room like I did last time. But since we had absolutely no trouble conceiving R, that’s all I have to go on.

And now I will most likely be one of those women who plans getting pregnant around her vacation. When our parents announced last month that they would be taking all of their children, children-in-law and grandchildren on a most-expenses-paid cruise in January 2009, I think my pregnant sister breathed a sigh of relief that her son will be seven months old then (kids have to be six months old to cruise on this line).

The same cruise line doesn’t allow pregnant women at 24 weeks or more to cruise. Also, I’ve never been on a cruise, but my morning sickness was very severe up until 24 weeks, and the thought of sea sickness AND morning sickness makes me want to wretch just thinking about it. Ha.

So, I guess Dave and I will just have to continue our trend of conceiving our children outside the United States. We did pretty well with the first one. Now comes the trick of making that baby whilst sharing a stateroom with a toddler. Luckily, we will be traveling with plenty of babysitters.

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11 Responses to Color me speechless

  1. Christina says:

    WHOOT!! Best post I will read today. Am sure of it.

  2. Victoria says:

    *Bouncing up and down and clapping hands* YAY!!! More babies!!!
    This is the best news I’ve heard all week! This is so exciting!!!

  3. Gosh, stop worrying. You are not the master of everything – particularly the creation of a child. Go off the pill, have some fun and see where you end up. Relax. These things have a way of working themselves out.

  4. Victoria says:

    Hmm… Kinda makes you wonder how we’ll react when you actually get pregnant, doesn’t it?

  5. Marlee says:

    Good for you guys!! Bring on the babies!!

  6. Oh, how exciting! Where are you cruising to?

  7. Erin says:

    The cruise has put a damper in my plan to get pregnant by the end of the year. I’m not willing to be pregnant on a free cruise….but I definitely willing to get pregnant on the free cruise!

  8. Vixen says:

    If the plan works…that should be a very memorable cruise!

  9. Mandy says:

    Aw! So neat! For everything!!! Good luck. I love that you said that you got pregnant by looking at each other across the room. That’s how it was with us. We have to be super careful. 🙂

  10. Jennifer says:

    Bow chanka bow bow!

  11. Frema says:

    Oh, baby plans! That’s awesome. I’m already thinking about what it will be like to start trying for number two. I may have to set a new rule for myself: no more babies until I lose all my baby weight. But then I may never get pregnant again.

    Also, I have never been on a cruise. I’ll be interested to see how you like yours!

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